All successful cardiologists have a lot of knowledge about the principles and practice of medicine. They are well-versed in the fields of cardiac physiology, cardiovascular hemodynamics, electrocardiography, and echocardiography as well as electrophysiology and arrhythmology. Their interests include clinical cardiology, preventative care, surgery for heart disease and more. However, it is just as important to know how to manage other interventions such as angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting because they are often used in conjunction with conventional methods or when those methods fail to provide relief. The interventionalĀ cardiologist in Milford, PA is one of the most important cardiologists in the health care system because he or she has studied and become an expert in one of the newest procedures being used regularly in the field.
Also known as cardiac catheterization, angioplasty is a procedure where a small tube called a catheter with a balloon at its tip is passed through an artery into an obstructed area in the coronary arteries or elsewhere to open up the passage way. The most common use of this procedure is to treat atherosclerosis, which happens when plaque builds up on your arteries and causes them to narrow or even close off completely. This clotting also blocks blood flow and prevents oxygen from reaching organs like your heart and brain. The plaque can be either from a buildup of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other harmful deposits inside the artery walls.
Interventional Cardiologist
The interventional cardiologist also investigates clogged arteries, coronary artery disease which is a gradual narrowing of one or more of the main arteries that bring oxygen-rich blood from the heart to all parts of the body, and cardiomyopathy, a muscle weakness caused by a poorly pumping heart.
In angioplasty, the procedure is used when you have symptoms such as chest pain. It involves using a small catheter in the groin area and then using imaging technology to guide it around blood vessels to reach its destination.
In some cases in which there is no need for angioplasty then balloon angioplasty may be used instead. In this case, the angioplasty procedure is performed without the use of imaging. The procedure is done with a tiny balloon that is pushed into an area in a blood vessel. Afterward, it is inflated with sterile saline to widen up the blood flow by allowing more oxygen into the body.